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  “I know that sounds obvious, but I don’t think anything else has a chance of succeeding except the possibility of an accidental, random interception by police on normal patrol or regular security patrols.”

  “I agree,” Bibi said, sitting low in the reclining chair, her body language indicating disinterest in the entire discussion which, she admitted, seemed not worthy of the cost of bringing this group of police officials and business persons together. “In the meantime, why not stop all such couriers except those in armored cars and with armed guards?”

  “Well,” said Frau Lisa Strom, the security director for one bank that had been hit for nearly two million Euros in small bills. “We are already in that mode, except that we have times when another nearby branch must get cash or other valuables quickly. Immediately. Sometimes this happens in the late afternoon when we cannot get the armored truck or in a location where the truck cannot get close.”

  “Isn’t it plainly practical to wait?” asked Jean Groff.

  “Yes, it is practical, but we have built a highly reliable and effective system, as other businesses have, where funds and valuables move safely and easily about the city by courier. In the past, attempts to rob them have almost always been thwarted. Our customers simply assume that we can move the goods and do so quickly. Electronic means have solved some of this, but until someone perfects matter transport, we have no way to transport diamonds, gold and actual cash from point to point,” Strom added, actually wringing her hands. “These attacks seriously damage our secure image and people start to think about doing business elsewhere,” she added.

  “There’s something else we hadn’t counted on,” Bibi said. “The public is to some degree cheering these thieves onward. The media has painted them as some kind of heroes, robbing from the rich banks and getting away with it.”

  “I’ve noticed this too,” said one of the older council members. “Sort of a Robin Hood image. Heaven help us.”

  “True,” added Jean Groff. “But I think it’s our own bumbling, unproductive handling of this case thus far that is really causing the negative publicity. Consider that if and when we catch these people, it’s going to be an uphill battle to get convictions when there has thus far been no violence and if, God forbid, the perps turn out to be sweet little girls with no prior records who will maintain that they were forced to carry out these heinous deeds.”

  “And that, my colleagues,” Bibi added, “is a very likely scenario, based on what we know.”

  Eventually the meeting ended with nothing useful or conclusive. Bibi and Jean requested and got full detailed printouts of every victim organization’s employees and staff, hopeful of finding some possible link among the events. In the end, they agreed that one tactic they didn’t like, but might try, would be using a secret decoy run, or several of them, hoping that while the run was revealed to the robbers, the identity of the couriers would not be known. The likely candidates for this plan were Jean Groff and Bibi Lynx.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Book

  “More than ninety percent of our subjects seek corporal punishment,

  usually at the hands of males.”

  “Here’s the revised list of suspect characteristics,” Carlton said as he sat in Nicholas’ splendidly furnished office on the top floor of the same building where several young women were learning about true submission in the lower basements. The list, which he pulled from the laser printer on the nearby shelf, was the continuing work of the entire staff designed to assist the recruitment and search units in locating potential subjects for the group’s training program. The new list, actually an addendum to The Book, the master guide, was subject to change and often did when it was found that certain criteria were not useful or correct. Among the new additions were the following:

  Observable characteristics:

  Tattoos, often quite small, especially in less obvious and visible locations

  Any exhibited interest in BDSM activities, conventions, books, videos, etc.

  Piercings, preferably of body parts that can be used in our work, but generally acceptable. (For example, a pierced eyebrow is of little use to us, whereas a pieced nipple or labia can be utilized).

  The prospect may wear especially erotic garments in public. Leather is often a key element, as are PVC and latex.

  A tendency to wear tight and revealing clothing, often well outside the present day acceptable standards, as revealing as they may be.

  Use of long, heavy key chains and other small accessories that display items like handcuffs. Wearing a single cuff as jewelry is common.

  Wearing collars of almost any type or material. Spikes, D rings, short chains connected to other body parts are a high probability indicator. The more restrictive the collar, the more likely we have a viable subject.

  Multiple bracelets, those that are heavier, welded or locked in place are especially desirable.

  Use of chains as necklaces, ankle decorations and waist chains

  Each of these items may be a clue that merits closer observation. Research and evidence indicates that while there is no single group of elements that sets these potential subjects apart from the average individual, it is nearly always found that such items or practices are present when we investigate or contract a subject.

  Loners are usually highly suspect, but extroverts also should be considered and will merit investigation, especially if an above average level of exhibitionism is noted.

  Finally, in spite of earlier suggestions about tight clothing, there is good empirical evidence to suggest that the appearance of many ideal subjects is often camouflaged by bulky clothing, too little or too much make-up, hair styling that is obviously inappropriate or even crude, and a generally rough and unkempt appearance. Many women intentionally try to disguise their figures, often going to extremes by wearing no bra or a ‘minimizer” type to reduce their bust or give the appearance of no breasts at all. They may wear poorly fitted trousers and other garments to make themselves, they think, less sexually appealing. This quality usually is consciously adopted by the subject in order to deflect attentions of opposite or same sex. It is our continued experience that once these decoy elements are changed or removed, we find a highly susceptible result. In other words, the psychological need to suppress exhibitionism is often very intense in subjects who, once exposed to our training, become highly effective operators.

  Note on body piercing and tattoos: There is good evidence that a willingness to submit to moderate or even extreme pain in any form is a high level indicator in our favor. Only when these proclivities are beyond extreme do we then usually rule out the suspect. In short, anyone who seeks pain in the form of piercing body parts, cutting, branding, scaring or tattoos, usually merits a closer look.

  We have found that there is a distinct difference between subjects who seek and endure pain in the above forms and those who appear to want life-threatening, as well as painful experiences. Specifically, those women who want asphyxiation, choking, suspension hanging by the neck and other experiences that may, if not closely monitored, result in death, are generally unacceptable. Risk-taking in these forms may in fact indicate deeper, more serious psychological issues as opposed to simple masochistic needs.


  Despite the above considerations, proven study indicates that, in general, the harsher the experience, the better the results. This is, of course, a generalization, but we must not coddle our subjects, both the voluntary and the involuntary ones. Thus, the normal training syllabus includes the following, usually in this order:

  Introductory acquisition through involuntary abduction or voluntary acquiescence while seeking a new erotic experience.

  Immediate restraint, immobility, severe binding, gaggage, impalement and isolation.

  Sustained and continued voluntary or involuntary penetration of three body orifices by both sexes using dynamic or static probes, as soon as possible for behavior modification. As elementary as it may be, forced sex i
s very often sought by the subjects and is essential to their eventual subjugation and complete training. This technique has proven most effective in determining what methods may be used later to correct missteps and encourage proper demeanor.

  Careful and programmed use of whips, canes, paddles, cats and other punishment devices is essential. Research indicates that more than ninety percent of our subjects seek corporal punishment, usually at the hands of males. A regularly scheduled flogging of sensitive areas while suspended by wrists or ankles tends to bring positive results.

  Total restrictive encapsulation, or mummification of body and head for lengthy periods.

  Extended suspensions by limbs and other body parts where possible.

  Isolation and sensory deprivation. Total removal from all external environments.

  Sexual deprivation for extended periods while being stimulated has been proven to be effective. Key body areas must be isolated and access denied.

  Restrictive storage environments, such as cages, cells, between wall enclosures, attics, cellars, pits and underwater locations has been found to be effective in shortening the training period. These techniques need to be carefully tailored to the responses and anxieties of the subjects.

  The ancient technique of “Carrot & Stick” treatment remains proven and effective.

  Chapter Eighteen


  She felt strange, sitting there in a tiny cement room,

  unable to move anything but her eyes.

  Bridget Ward, a US citizen originally from San Jose, California, thought there was something funny going on. From the moment she was met at the international arrivals gate by a uniformed female chauffer and guided effortlessly through the terminal and into the luxury Lexus 350 sedan waiting in a No Standing Zone at Munich’s Franz Josef-Strauss International Airport, she was on the alert.

  As the aircraft’s captain indelicately told the passengers before they landed, the weather was the usual German winter crap, (not his exact words), of freezing rain and temperatures that were moving lower, despite the early morning hour. Thus, the roadways were covered in ice, slush and new snow and the usual traffic chaos prevailed at the airport.

  Something is going on here that isn’t in the plan, she thought. I’ll bet a week’s salary that Miss Busybody, Phyllis, set this up, wanting to surprise me and expecting the huge Christmas bonus she already knows I approved for her.

  Still, Bridget thought, this seemed like overkill. Too much.

  But since the tall, rather exotic-looking, uniformed, female escort who had somehow circumvented airport security and gotten to the arrival gate, it must have been official. And since the driver obviously knew her name, hotel, flight and other details and was ingratiatingly courteous, almost obsequious, Bridget decided to accept the trip into the city and to her hotel.

  Of course, there is always the possibility that the other side has discovered my little games and has decided, as my handlers have suggested, to take retaliatory or compensatory measures. If that’s the case, I’m screwed, Bridget thought.

  Sliding into the plush, tan leather rear seat, Bridget, who had enough exposure to luxury vehicles in her private and business lives, noted that this was no ordinary Lexus. Someone had spent a great deal of money customizing it. The right front seat was separate. An impressive array of electronic and communications gear was custom mounted on the dash and fascia panel and Bridget noted the multiple, discrete antennae on the roof and rear fenders of the car. The driver’s area was completely enclosed with thick glass and could be, she realized, shuttered for privacy. It was perhaps bulletproof as well. The escort woman closed the rear door and then got into the right front seat, rotating it slowly until she faced the Bridget. The driver, also a very good-looking young woman, engaged the transmission smoothly and the big car glided out of the terminal area, weaving through the maze of ramps and fly-overs until they were on the autobahn, speeding south in the high speed lane, grossly exceeding the speed limit posted on flashing signs that could be changed remotely.

  “Ms. Ward,” said the escort in the black chauffeur’s uniform, complete with fitted black double-breasted jacket that was now unbuttoned in front and displayed what Bridget noted were quite excellent breasts, abbreviated black mini skirt, opaque black hose, leather peaked cap and high black boots with ridiculously high heels. “I’m Penelope. Would you like some champagne as we head into the city? It’s about a twenty minute ride, but in this weather and traffic, it may take longer. Giselle will find us the best and safest route.”

  “No thanks,” Ward replied automatically, still attempting to adjust to her surroundings. She sat back in the comfortable seat, considering that she could use a drink, but still a bit anxious about who these people were and why they were taking her to her hotel. “I’d like some water. Still water. No gas, please. And who’s Giselle?”

  “You are concerned, aren’t you?” Penelope said, smiling as she opened a fresh split of Moet Brut and poured a half glass in the gleaming crystal flute held safely on the polished teak bar. She opened the hidden refrigerator in the seat back and selected a small bottle of a popular Italian spring water and poured a second glass next to the first. “Giselle is your expert driver. Say hello, Giselle.”

  The driver nodded her head slightly as though she had a stiff neck, said, “Guten tag, Mine Frau,” and resumed negotiating the double lanes of stop and go traffic merging into a highway junction.

  “Now,” said Penelope, removing her black cap and shaking out a full head of long red hair. “Let’s have this drink while I tell you the answers to questions that you politely have not asked, but are puzzled about, okay?”

  “Fine,” said Bridget. “And I’ve changed my mind. I will accept a glass of the Moet, thank-you.”

  Her escort nodded, smiled agreeably and selected another champagne flute from the seatback cabinet. Expertly, she poured a second glass.

  Bridget studied the weather and traffic outside the car and reached for the glass of champagne. She had some pending, informal appointments from noon until late that night and the weather was not going to help. She wondered if perhaps she could arrange to keep this luxury vehicle and avoid having to take taxis. She took a good swallow of the slightly chilled champagne, felt the bubbles sting her dry throat, and leaned back into the deeply upholstered seat. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and watched the freezing rain melt on the heated windshield, wondering if she was doing the right thing. After all, this trip was not really for business and her boss told her that she was entitled to a month’s vacation which she would lose at the end of the year if she didn’t take it. So, technically, this was not a business expense, but it would probably be charged to one of the firm’s discretionary accounts. Simon was good about things like that. Always careful about apparent excess, but still able to get the best for his people. Her appointments today were actually a tentative mixture of personal calls and a way of extending holiday greetings to old friends. Because of the weather and the constant uncertainty of arrival times for transatlantic flights, she had not confirmed these meetings and now realized that she had nearly three hours to phone her contacts and adjust her schedule accordingly. For a moment, she thought about the short farewell meeting they had in her office the day before.

  “Any idea where you’ll go for Christmas?” Simon, her boss, asked as she was closing out her computer and cleaning her desk for the month she’d be away.

  “Bavaria,” she said, brightly. “I think I’ll just take pot luck and see what I can find. I want to stop in and visit some old friends, probably get dinner at Tantris, if I can talk my way in without a reservation, and maybe do some skiing later on. All of the big resort hotels want two-week bookings and I don’t want that kind of long term commitment. Besides, there’s a horse auction up in Hannover that I may go to watch.”

  “Planning on buying another horse?” Simon asked, laughing, but knowing that this was not as crazy a question as it might sound. Bridget was fin
ancially capable of buying and selling the company she worked for and he, among others, knew it.

  “Well, Simon, you never know, do you? I might do that and just stay over there.” She said this good naturedly, but Simon knew that it was a plausible threat. In the past, Bridget had in fact simply gone off on a weekend break and stayed gone for a month or more. There was little the company could do about this, as she was a valued member of the board, and the planning staff. Thus, all parties, employers and clients alike, usually adapted to Bridget’s whims and style, no matter what.

  “Will you phone me if you decide to stay longer? Please?” Simon groaned. “We really need you here, Bridge,” he added, using his fond nickname for her.

  “Of course, Simon. I was just kidding. I have too much on my plate right now to just let it ride,” she said, waving a hand towards the loaded in box that she knew her admin, Phyllis, would have to sort out and distribute to the rest of the legal staff in her absence. “Granted, the planned acquisitions are long term, but we both know there’s plenty to be done and I plan to do it...and not from Munich.”

  “Amen,” he said, breathing an audible sigh of relief that his primary acquisitions attorney would be back after the holidays. “Have a great trip, Bridge. Phone, text, email or drop a satellite flash to me if you need anything. Phyllis has all of your reservations already loaded into your number one cell and your new tablet. I think you’ll be pleased with the arrangements, even though they only go up to your third day. After that, do as you wish, but call her if you want advance bookings. You know how good she is with the sometimes stuffy European hotels!”

  “Indeed she is, Simon. If only she was that sharp with the airlines.”

  “Yes, well, that’s a puzzle no one can solve. The transshipment of your second luggage set is on the way, so it should be at the hotel when you get there. That’s really just the back-up in case the original gets lost, but as you said, it is worth the cost, just for the peace of mind.”