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Page 23

  Beneath the intentional heavy make-up, Forcep hid her exceptionally good looks quite well. Bibi told Groff more than once that if Forcep ever took a total bath and removed all the Goth junk and trinkets, she’d be a real knock-out. Groff was inclined to agree, although she personally found the whole Goth thing little more than a subterfuge hiding some other serious personal problem.

  “I get the no bra look,” Groff once said to Bibi. “But the tattoos, holes in the fishnet stockings and spiked collars and bracelets are over the top. Who the hell would even approach someone dressed like that?”

  “Another lost Goth,” Bibi said, laughing.

  Peering over totally blacked out granny glasses, Forcep’s eyes searched the room and immediately fastened on Groff. She walked up to the bar, stood next to Groff without looking at her and told the barmaid she wanted a double Jack Black on the rocks.

  “That Jack Daniels or Johnny Walker Black?” the bar maid, apparently into a bit of Goth herself, asked. With ear rings that consisted of heavy chains and little weights that hung down and descended into her amble cleavage, the woman behind the bar seemed interested in Forcep and had more or less been ignoring Groff.

  “The Tennessee Bourbon,” Forcep said quietly, turning slowly to study Groff who was trying mightily to ignore the black haired, crazily clothed woman.

  “You looking for Lynx?” she said in a rough-edged voice.

  “Yeah,” Groff responded, trying to mimic the Goth’s contrived accent. “You know where she is?”

  “Let’s get a booth. I hate standing at the bar. Makes us too good a target,” Forcep said, taking her glass, paying with a twenty Euro note and pushing off towards a booth on the outside wall. Groff left her own money and followed, signaling the barmaid to send her another beer like the one in her hand. The barmaid seemed to ignore her.

  “What are you doing here, Forcep?” Groff asked as soon as they settled in the dark booth.

  “Same as you, I guess. Twitch packed up a few days ago, took Dusty, GraceLess, a bag full of guns, tools and other junk and the Lambro and said she’d be back by the weekend. That’s the last I heard from her. You?”

  “How does she get three people into the Lambro?” Groff asked without really thinking.

  “Beats me,” Forcep replied. “I usually ride two wheels”

  “Bibi is off on a search mission,” Groff lied. “But I think it went cockeyed. No word from her either. Last I knew she was on a train headed for Salzburg. And, now that I think of it, Dede, her current squeeze is also missing.”

  “Shit,” said Forcep. “Not a good mix. What’s your take? By the way, I recognized your Mini parked outside. Last time I saw Bibi she visited us at work and was flipping a grenade around. She is really rude sometimes, ya know?”

  “Bibi gets too focused sometimes,” Groff said apologetically. She tended to agree with Forcep’s concern. “I left Frankfurt last week and have been snooping unsuccessfully ever since. Nothing.”

  “Same. And the Lambro is pretty hard to miss. Even the cops claim not to have seen it, which is really odd because every cop in the Deutschland knows Twitch’s cars...well, most of them,” Forcep added with a grin. “And oh yeah, you thought I meant the Yellow Peril, Twitch’s two seater Lamborghini, right?”

  “She has more than one?” Groff asked.

  “Yeah. Sure. I meant they left in the camo four-wheeler. The German response to the Hummer, only twice the price and a real pig on the road. Saudi Royal family has about a hundred of the dammed things, so, of course, Twitch had to have one.”

  “That explains that, I guess, “said Groff, still looking for her beer. “Who or what are Dusty and GraceLess?” Groff asked.

  “Tactical help. Both good. Useful on a nasty sort of way. GraceLess is knife inclined, like me. Carries about a dozen in various hides on her person. Dusty likes this automatic crossbow thing.”

  “Great. How the Hell could all of them vanish? And where?” Maybe we’re really off the track. What brought you here, exactly?”

  Forcep finished her bourbon and waved for another. The barmaid quickly arrived with a tray laden with six drinks, including Groff’s beer and Forcep’s bourbon, plus double duplicates of each.

  “Guys in the corner sent these over. I told them you weren’t interested, but they insisted.”

  “Fine. Tell ‘em ‘thanks’ and the price is more than they can afford,” responded Forcep.

  Groff nearly choked on her beer. “Nice, Forcep. Way to drive them away,” she added. “They look like some of Brillcart’s goons. It’s a long shot, but they might know where Bibi is.”

  “How do you know what Brillcart’s goons look like?”

  “Bitter past experience,” Groff answered, pulling the front zipper on her transparent shirt down a few more inches, revealing more cleavage and a flesh-colored nylon bra that exposed more than it covered. Picking up her new beer, Groff sauntered over to the table where the three bearded men were already three quarters drunk and slipping fast into the pre passing out stage. Reluctantly, Forcep followed.

  “You piggies looking for a good time?” Groff slurred, adding a Bremen accent and trying to look pretty well smashed.

  “Yeah, sure. Your place or ours?” the tallest and probably the most sober one asked.

  “Not yours,” said Forcep. “We’re drunk, but not crazy. Our crash pad is just down the street. Cummin?” she asked, waving her hotel room key under his nose.

  The goons picked up their glasses, dropped some money on the table and followed the two staggering women out the door.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Ax Them

  Suspended from the high stone ceiling were

  Dusty and GraceLess, chained back to back...

  As is so often the case in such matters, the finale of the bar meeting was anticlimactic. By inviting them up to their hotel room, Groff and Forcep “helped” the drunken three men recall exactly where Brillcart and his gang were keeping Bibi, Dede and the blundered rescue team headed by Twitch. They then sat in the room where they had easily guided the threesome and debated (1) what to do with these idiots who were so totally blasted that they had no idea what the two gorgeous women were doing to them, (2) how to penetrate and best to take on the underground facilities without endangering the captives and (3) what back-up, if any, they might recruit.

  Groff settled the discussion by agreeing to provide the Linz police with a delayed message indicating what she and Forcep were going to do and where they’d be, citing the high level of secrecy for the entire Courier Crimes mission held by Interpol. In other words, Linz cops would know after the fact that the two girl team of Groff and Forcep would have attempted to penetrate the underground haven at such and such a time and if they had not emerged safe and secure by 0200 the next day, the cops with their SWAT teams would hit the place. Interpol and Berlin police were also to be kept informed.

  Using their new buddies, the drunks from the bar, as their entry guides, Groff and Forcep took the men’s vehicles and drove right up to the little B&B that served as a camouflaged entry to the caverns. Forcep’s dagger blade in the ribs of one and the other two sweating profusely because of the lightly pinned grenades under their jackets, got them all quick and easy entry. Once inside, the drunks were secured in the car’s trunk and given a sleeping sedative handily brought by Forcep. She offered several weapons to Groff, including one of Twitch’s tactical axes, and then they were off into the tunnels, initially hitting the guard shack where the twin black-clad women, looking exactly like courier robbers, simply barged in and summarily shot each of the four guards without them making a sound. Killing them had not been the primary act in their plan, but they had agreed that they would not take prisoners and when one guard lunged at Forcep with a long, double edged knife in his hands and death in his eyes, Forcep brought her ax down on the fool’s extended left wrist, severing the hand completely. Her second swing on the razor sharp ax took the screaming man in the side of his neck, neatly and compl
etely opening most of the blood vessels and muscle on that side of his head.

  Stopped in mid track as his head became nearly detached, the goon was fully dispatched by Forcep bringing the ax upward in a follow-up stroke that drove the long spike into his lower jaw under his chin.

  Forcep’s only comment was the word “asshole” as she disengaged her ax and turned to note that Groff has already shot the other three in the head. The shack n was deathly quiet and as they gathered up keys and other useful items. Both raiding women exited the room and trotted down the well lit tunnel, noting the coded numbered stations and seeking what they had been told was the primary detention area where they hoped to find Bibi and company.

  At a tunnel intersection codes VN-21, they took a left turn, went through a steel door and discovered dozens of closed and locked cells lining both walls. The first two locked rooms yielded naked young women chained to the walls or hanging from the ceiling, but not the people they sought. Groff spoke quietly to each as she and Forcep backed out of the cells, saying that she’d be back and that they’d be free soon.

  The fourth cell was different. Suspended from the high stone ceiling were Dusty and GraceLess, chained back to back with elbows locked around a heavy metal bar attached to the hanging chain. Both were bloody, dirty and naked. Both wore stainless steel collars and chastity belts that, it was later made clear, held double dildoes up inside all four crotch cavities. Both were firmly gagged and hooded and bore the scars from multiple thrashings and other physical abuse. Getting them down was no problem and as soon as they were released, GraceLess asked if she could have the bloody axe hanging from Forcep’s belt. She took the weapon, bounded out the door and vanished down the tunnel.

  Dusty, who appeared to be more the worse for wear, sat on the cell floor, weeping into her freed hands while Forcep looked at her, said she’d be okay and went out to the next cell where she found a massive stone sarcophagus in the middle of the dimly lit room. The drunken trio of guards told the women about Brillcart stashing Dede and Bibi in the coffin, so it was simply a matter of finding the switch for the hoist and lifting the top off the stone crypt. Inside were the still plugged-in pair, but both were deathly silent.

  “Hey Groff. Get your ass in here,” Forcep yelled. “I need your help, now!”

  Groff grabbed Dusty under the arms and dragged her into the coffin room. Then she produced the bunch of keys from the guard shack and they went to work on freeing Bibi and Dede. It took only a few minutes and while they worked, the bodies in the crypt stirred and slowly came alive.

  Lifting Bibi off of Dede, the dual impalements that had become embedded in both mouths and cunts were unlocked and slipped nosily out. In another moment, the head harnesses were cut and removed so that for the first time in several days, the women’s mouths were free of the awful gag/feeding plugs they had worn for so long.

  Meanwhile, screams emanated from outside and down the tunnel. They were quickly silenced and the four women in the cell heard the sound of running feet outside. Graceless popped into the cell with two heads dangling from her right hand and the bloody axe in the other.

  “Sorry guys,” GraceLess said casually, as she dumped the male heads on the floor. “I just had to have a little talk with these two. They’ve been fucking us two or three times a day and it was my turn to get even. Still, my ass is going to hurt a lot longer than their heads will.”

  “Nice,” said Forcep, glancing at the severed heads on the floor and then at GraceLess. “I always liked the axe. It’s not subtle, but the victim always underestimates what can be done with it.”

  “Yeah, well, these two were a bit shocked to see naked little me in their private fuck lair. They were even more surprised when I took off that one’s head with one blow and then played with number two, chopping off both hands first and then driving the spiked end of the axe into his pea brain before removing the head as you can see here. Nasty surgery, this, but essential as in court they would never have gotten what they deserved. Can we put the heads in the coffin and reseal it, or have you got some prizes of your own to stash in there?”

  “Oh, good thought,” said Groff. “Let’s trot back to the guard shack, put those pigs in the electric cart and bring them down here as well. Anyone else around that you know of?”

  “What about Brillcart and Salmon?’ Bibi finally piped up, still trying to recover her voice. “By the way, Jean. Love your outfit. Very fashionable in Austria at this time of year. I’ll bet the guards at the entrance were impressed,” Bibi said, actually laughing.

  “Yeah, they got a very short eyeful because we had help getting in here and they’re still in a car’s boot at the B&B...I hope,” Forcep added. “They especially liked the see-through shirt and the half cup bra, didn’t they Jean?”

  “Yeah. It worked, didn’t it?” Groff replied, glancing down at her near totally exposed chest and also laughing.

  “This is the entire late shift, as far as we know,” Dusty added, speaking slowly as she recovered from her ordeal of alternately being whipped, fucked and hung up with her partner. “I have no clue about Brillcart. We seldom saw him. And who’s Salmon?”

  “The Graf. The one who runs the courier theft unit. He’s got to be somewhere around here,” Bibi said.

  “Look, Bibi,” said Groff. “I hate to interrupt this sincere discussion, but we’re here on borrowed time and it’s only going to take a short while before someone sounds an alarm and we want to be out of here. The Linz cops will be here shortly and frankly I would rather be gone before then. I know these clowns have surveillance, so for all we know their back-up boys are already riding to the rescue. Let’s scoot.”

  “I agree,” said Dede as she stepped out of the coffin on shaky legs. “Boy, Bibi, you sure know how to have a good time. My pussy won’t be back to normal for a week.”

  “You were pretty busy yourself,” Bibi said, looking the little blond in the eye. “Were you drilling for something special or just exploratory?”

  Forcep interrupted: “Ladies, I know it’s been fun, but I think we’d better get moving,” she said.

  “Right. Let’s go. You lead,” Bibi said. “Are we missing anyone?”

  “Uh, yeah. Has anyone seen or heard from Twitch,” Forcep asked.

  “She’s here too?” Bibi asked, incredulous.

  “We think so. The guys in the bar said she was with you two,” she said, pointing to Dusty and GraceLess.

  “Okay. Jean, you go get the guards and the electric cart while we check out the rest of the cells for Twitch. Anyone got a watch?”

  “Natch,” said Forcep. “I got two. Here’s one for you. Give us ten minutes to check the cells and ten more to get back to the B&B and check out with you. Linz LE will be here real soon, but I suspect they’ll approach quietly and may encounter some resistance.”

  “Let’s roll,” Bibi said. “Dede, get that collar off and come with me.”

  “Awe, Bibi. I like this collar. It’s become part of me.”

  “Dede, you are fuckin’ hopeless. Wear the collar if you want, but let’s get out of here.”

  Three doors down the tunnel they found Twitch, equally indisposed, as they all had been, but bent over a steel rail and being noisily buggered from behind by one of the guards no one had noticed was missing. He wore a pair of noise-cancelling earphones, humming a tune while he drove his cock in and out of Twitch’s ass. Twitch was tied with ankles and wrists spread wide to rings on the floor and a rope around her neck pulling her head down as well. She was gagged with what might have been her own underwear. Both breasts were wired at their base and also tied to rings on the floor. While the goon fucked her slowly and paid no attention to what was behind him, Forcep entered the cell quietly and drove her hand axe in an upward sweep so that the spike went full length into the guard’s sweaty ass. He jumped with his feet leaving the floor while Forcep held him there with the ax deep in his ass, then she yanked backward, pulling the fucker off Twitch’s back and dropping him like a sack of m
eal on the stained floor.

  “Untie her,” Forcep said to her surrounding team while she used the axe to drag the bleeding guard to the wall, snapped a collar around his neck and pulled the axe spike out of his ass. “You are going to bleed out right here, pig, cause no one will find you in time to save you. But to help you along, I suspect that Twitch may want to improve what I began. You okay, Twitch?”

  “Ja. Ok,” Twitch spate out the remains of the cloth gag and reached for the axe. “Nice to see you, Kid. May I?” she said sweetly to her fearless buddy, Forcep.

  “Be our guest, but be quick. We’re now on a very short fuse,” Forcep said, handing Twitch the axe and knowing exactly what was to follow.

  “Oh, this will be quick, but it won’t be painless,” Twitch said, balancing the hand axe and spinning it slowly as she hovered over the cringing guard who was babbling incoherently as his ass leaked more blood and other things. “Cuff his hands to the wall and spread his legs, please,” Twitch said to her rescuers. This was done instantly and the guard now hung by neck and hands from the wall, legs spread wide. Twitch brought the axe abruptly up between his legs, severing the guard’s sex package in one forehand blow, the bloody cock and balls flying across the room and landing in the already messy puddle on the floor beneath where he’d been doing Twitch. The man screamed and blacked out.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Twitch said as she bent to pick up Dusty and put her over her shoulder.