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Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition Page 6
Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition Read online
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At day’s end, they were placed in stalls, their necks locked in a metal stocks arrangement and their feet closely hobbled. They were watered and fed a grain mixture and left for the night. If they slept, it was in the standing up position. If they fell, alarms went off and the grooms would wander in sleepily and prop them up again, then beat them with crops for the annoyance.
This was the attire the ponies wore about a third of the time at school. While in this outfit, they were trained in all aspects of pony behavior. Outside in the paddocks, they were allowed to “graze,” an activity that required serious concentration. In each paddock, the ground was implanted with fake brush and bushes that held small circular rings in the limbs much as a real bush would have buds or blossoms. It was the pony’s work when turned out, to acquire as many of these circular plastic rings as possible. On each bridle bit gag combination were two small steel hooks, one on each side of the mouth. With proper manipulation and careful, slow moves, a pony could slip a hook into a ring and remove it from the bush. At the end of the day’s turnout, these rings were removed from the pony’s bridle and counted. The daily quota was set depending on the pony’s behavior. A poor showing in ring-grazing meant other punishments would follow.
Dori was learning about punishments. One night, asleep and chained in her bed, she thought she heard a sound and was astonished to look up and see another girl bound to the wagon wheel chandelier directly overhead. She recognized the girl as one who had earlier that same day, and on other occasions, made some obvious “come-on” moves towards Dori. Not at all interested in such a possible partnership, Dori ignored the apparent offer. Now here she was again, tied spread eagle over Dori’s bed, her mouth packed with a leather gag and her head nearly obscured with a heavy bridle and bit combination. The girl was cruelly bound with leather strips around her wrists, above the elbows, at shoulder, waist, knees and ankles. A gag harness secured her head to the outer wheel rim and more leather strips bisected her crotch. She wore the same thin metal “chastity belt” that Dori now endured, although hers looked even more uncomfortable, as it seemed to literally trisect the girl into three pieces: upper torso and two widely spread legs. More leather bands encircled her chest and wound around her hanging breasts with their ringed nipples. From each nipple ring a weight hung and swung, enhancing the erotic aspect and increasing what must have been, Dori thought, considerable discomfort. The girl flapped her hands feebly and whined behind the leather packing in her mouth. Her pendulous tits wobbled and the nipple weights juggled up and down. Salty tears dripped from her eyes and fell onto the bed, but neither girl was able to do anything more.
Dori lay in her now standard sleeping position. She was on her left side, neck chain tight from headboard to collar, feet closely bound with the brass cuffs and hands behind her back, pulled to the edge of the bed by the chain that led to a ring on the floor under the bed. Her gag was tight and she was exhausted. She glanced at the suspended girl above her bed and wondered how in the hell the girl had gotten up there. She considered several possibilities, wondering as well how the girl’s nipples would hold up under the continuous, all-night tension. She finally dozed off into a troubled sleep, dreaming that her own tits were being similarly abused. The night passed slowly and uneventfully for them both.
Chapter Ten
Capped Twin Turrets
“Today’s ride is designed to improve your seat and your contact with your nipples as sites for extra stimulus,” said the Mistress Wright, looking quite serious over her half framed spectacles. She peered at Dori who was again bound in the saddle over Samson’s monstrous hulk. The dreams of the night before suddenly came back to Dori as she sat rigidly upright in the saddle, only half listening to the Head.
“Most authorities on sexual stimulus agree that there is a strong tie, (no pun intended,)” she smirked, “between what goes on in your head and what your cunt and your butt and nipples are telling you. For example, as I’m now demonstrating, your nipples harden quite readily as they are gently massaged. You see?” she asked pointedly, staring closely at the pinioned girl while her long sharp nails pinched and tickled the twin turrets.
Dori’s bridled head nodded vigorously as much as the tight double bridle allowed. The dream was now quite vivid and she also had flash memories of the bound girl over her bed. Four leather reins hung from her headgear and these and their metal fittings rattled as she shook her bound head. She wore the first bridle, nylon webbing that encircled her head around the crown from forehead to behind, under the outer leather bridle. The nylon webbing was about an inch wide and held a fat rubber bit pulled well back into her open jaws, forcing her fine white teeth wide apart. The nylon had no give at all and when tightened as it was now, it confined her head with strong pressure at the same place where a hat might fit. The vertical webbing went from the hat band-like circle down each cheek, under her chin, across the front of her chin and back around her throat. Another piece of the nylon webbing went around her neck and secured the chin band at the rear. From the vertical pieces, the rubber bit was held firmly in place. The leather bridle encompassed the parts of her head and face that the nylon bridle missed. It held enclosures around her ears, straddled her nose and supported close blinders that allowed only a narrow forward view. In some places it overlay the nylon bridle and in others, it held its own space on her small and mostly obscured head. Her long hair, braided as the school required, was threaded back through the maze of leather and nylon, a steel ring secured a few inches from the end of the braid.
The leather bridle also held the steel correction bit in her mouth. The bit itself was a less than humane adaptation of the spoon-like bit used on young horses for dressage training. In the double bridle arrangement, the huge metal spoon was inverted in the mouth so that the tongue fit inside the concave depression of the spoon. When the reins were pulled, the spoon pressed down, forcing the tongue against the bottom of the mouth. This spoon had the additional refinement of small metal spikes in the top and bottom of the spoon. These functioned as an added incentive to the pony wearing the device. The spikes normally rested in the air space between the roof and the bottom of the mouth with the spoon poised midway in the open mouth. When reins were pulled, the mouth closed and the spoon’s spikes went to the upper or lower mouth surface; sometimes to both if the reins were pulled hard enough. The school discovered that Dori, and a few other new students, had an interesting little piece of jewelry that allowed even better use of the spoon bit. Keeping with fashion trends, the girls allowed their tongues to be pierced and had small metal balls mounted on either side of their tongue. This impaired their speech somewhat and many students wore the balls only at night. However, the school found out and adjusted the bits accordingly. Thus, Dori’s bit had a bolt that fastened the spoon to the top of her tongue, using the piercing as the attachment point. This forced the spoon into closer contact with the internal mouth surfaces and brought the girl into far more intimate contact with the metal surfaces filling her oral cavity. When all four reins were pulled together, the spoon pushed the tongue down, the spikes made contact and the rubber bit pulled the cheeks back, making a strong impression on the pony being trained. For added emphasis with stubborn ponies, a pair of nose hooks was added. These diabolical devices hooked into each nostril and when the reins were pulled, the hooks jerked the end of the nose upward, stretching the nostrils. This combination of four reins, two bridles and two bits, plus the nose hooks, usually worked on even the most recalcitrant of animals. There were, of course, Mistress Wright had point out, “other ways.”
Wright tweaked and twirled the nipples until she produced the desired reaction from the helplessly bound and bridled rider. She produced two shiny metal thimble-like devices from her vest pocket. They jingled quietly. She showed one to Dori, turning the open end towards the girl. Inside the hollow cap, Dori saw a circle of tiny sharp metal teeth. They looked like the multiple circular sets of teeth of the lamprey eel. On the outside of the dome were two small disk
s about the size of collar buttons. Centered on the top was a small silver ring. This was what caused the faint bell-like jingle. Fascinated by the ugly little instruments, Dori wondered silently what the Mistress was going to do with them. “These must be some of those ‘other ways,’” Dori thought.
“These are to sustain what is now erect,” The Head Mistress murmured in the rider’s ear. She placed the first thimble between her left index finger and thumb, pressing the two small metal buttons on either side of the dome. The spring-loaded buttons, when depressed, opened the semi-circles of sharp teeth inside. Dori had a sudden flash of recognition, knowing with dread what was coming next. Wright moved the thimble over Dori’s stiffened left nipple and lowered it to enclose the entire pink flesh bud. Dori tried to pull away as she felt the dozens of tiny sharp teeth enclose the end of her nipple. The Mistress then slowly released her finger pressure from the buttons and Dori responded with a start and a jump in the saddle as the springs released and the teeth sunk into the tender pink flesh. Twisting and surging against her bounds, Dori slid once again up and down on the mounted prongs in her ass and cunt as she tried to free herself and get the biting little thimble off her swollen nip. Mistress Wright then seized the right nipple and, despite the girl’s struggling, proceeded to cap the second target as she had the first. The result was two metal enclosures over the girl’s alert nipples. Her thrashing struggles soon subsided as Dori realized that this was just another torment that she could do nothing about. Her nipples screamed from the sharp-toothed metal clamp inside the thimbles. The more she shook the more they hurt.
“All this unnecessary struggling will get you nowhere, Dori,” said Mistress Wright. “Perhaps some additional restraint is in order. I must, as usual, take care of other business, but Margie here will see that these little fleshy towers of yours are properly restrained while you enjoy your ride. See you later.”
Mistress Wright left the cellar. Margie stepped forward and attached twin bungee cords from the overhead to the little rings on each of the thimbles on Dori’s heaving chest. With this small addition completed, the instructors again departed the cellar and left Dori and Samson to their afternoon’s exercise.
With each jump and twist, Samson threw his rider to the extent of her bound restrictions. Dori flew about in the saddle, moving with starts and stops in all six possible axes. Up, down, forward, backwards, left and right. Not to mention the diagonal motion! Each move caused stimulating distress. Her nipples were pulled in all directions, her head pitched back and forth, her body leapt out of the saddle and the penetrators lodged between her legs slid in and out, building up friction and sending waves of pleasure/pain throughout her racked body.
Unlike the previous session on Samson, this time Dori felt that she was being taken well beyond the limits of her endurance. The moves were more violent, the pace much too fast and the duration of the pauses far too short. When Samson stopped to rest, it was only for seconds instead of minutes. The alternate and combined waves of discomfort and orgasmic elation began to all run together in Dori’s jerking head. To her astonishment, when the horse stopped for a moment, she found her hips continuing to jerk and spasm, riding the imbedded probes even while the horse was still.
“Na-guun-naa, ha-guann-na, na-ggag-GAAA, aaa, ahhhhh, ahhh,” Dori sung and moaned through the bit and gag. With each thrust the horse flipped her forward or sideways with greater intensity. Her involuntary oral response was punctuated with a louder groan as she hit the end of the toss and was jerked back into the saddle, the internal prongs jamming themselves deeper and bringing a painful “Gnaaa-AH” from the girl’s open plugged and bitted mouth.
The bungee cords on her nipple caps were an additional annoyance. As the horse moved and Dori’s body followed, her D-cup breasts jumped and flopped about on her chest. There was a minute delay as each body part responded to the horse’s moves. It was a long sequence that flowed together and brought continuous stimulation to every nerve in her pinioned body. Samson jerked up and back. Dori’s torso followed a millisecond later. Her breasts delayed another split second and her stretched and fettered nipples, enclosed in their little silver caps, delayed a second longer. So Dori’s upper body was in full back swing at the very moment her breasts were just beginning to start to follow. As she began to swing back forward, her chest mounds were flying backwards, tugging the bungees tight and pulling the tortured nipples back forwards. Dori was certain that her treasured tits would eventually give up and simply tear away, but they remained attached to her chest and only served to excite and pain her more.
Samson ran for nearly twenty minutes, but to Dori, it seemed like twenty hours. She was, at the end, in and out of consciousness. When the horse finally shut down, Dori hung in the saddle, limp and pale, her small hips jerking forward and backward still, her tight little buttocks jiggling and spasming as her internal muscles unwantingly embraced the internal phalluses. Her eyes were closed, no sound came from her throat and only the pounding of her heart and the jingling of the nipple caps’ rings could be heard. Boswick watched this entire session from the comfort of his office on the second floor of the barn. The video link was excellent and the three large flat screens displayed Dori’s ride from different angles. In his mind, Boswick debated telling his partner that he thought it was time for Dori and him to have a private session.
Chapter Eleven
Rodney Gets into It
Nights when she wasn’t confined to her bed, Dori was in her stall in one of the barns. Each stall was about half the usual 10 X 10 enclosure used in horse barns, but most of the décor was the same as in a fine equestrian stable. Another variation however, was the neck stocks frame that was designed to hold the ponies firmly in the desired position with their heads sticking out into the aisle so that they could be watched and cared for. The design of this device had been carefully thought out. It was intended to hold the pony either with its head in the aisle or inside the stall behind a sliding door that could close off the stall. Ponies that received punishment for misbehavior were often positioned behind the locked sliding door. The stocks were a heavy stainless steel framework that encircled the neck of the pony. The tightness could be adjusted to allow some movement or to clamp the neck snugly. Because they had essentially double yokes, they could be opened horizontally between the jaw and shoulders to stretch the neck and hold it rigidly in place. This arrangement was used when it was necessary to perform minor surgery, such as adding new pierce points to nose, ears, lips or tongue. On the outside of the frame, the part where the pony’s head hung, were multiple rings and fairleads. This hardware permitted the grooms to attach ropes, wires, clamps and other restraint gear to the pony’s head if such control was needed. At times, this was also done for maintenance purposes. Other times, it was purely for disciplinary reasons.
Dori was, considering her background, a well-behaved pony and thus she did not receive as much discipline as one might expect in such a school. However, she was not totally without fault and early in her training, she made a mistake that resulted in her discovering exactly what the equipment in the stall was capable of. Locking her securely in the stocks with stocks extended, forcing her to stretch her neck, they had added cruel nostril hooks, ear rings, a tongue bolt and blinders. Dori found her head was immovable. Any movement was hurtful. Standing perfectly still was the desirable position...the only position. She wore hoof mitts on her hands and these were strapped to either side of the stall, her hands about three feet apart. She could not move them closer and it was not possible to move them outward because of the spreader bar between her wrists and the limits of the stall walls. Her legs were in the usual locked up position with her small feet bound tightly to her buttocks, calves to thighs. The steel shod knee cap boots were chained to the rear corners of the stall, far enough apart to leave her ass and the space in between her legs wide open for display or whatever else the grooms had in mind as punishment for her misdeed. Her large, pear-like breasts hung down, pointing steadfastly at
the straw covered floor of the stall. They were unfettered except for the terrible clamp caps that had been emplaced when she was brought to the stall. These little pain jewels squeezed her nipples without pity. When weights or other implements were attached to the cap rings, they pulled and pinched the sensitive nipple flesh in a terrible way. Dori had experienced the nipple caps before in the barn when she rode Samson and she had great respect for these tiny silver, bell-shaped torturers.
Waiting for something to happen was almost as bad as having it happen. A groom gave her a drink of something not too terribly bad tasting about ten minutes ago and Dori wondered what was in the liquid and why they gave it to her. She was not especially thirsty, but the small water bottle with the long straw was put to her mouth and she knew better than to refuse it. Maybe it was some sort of drug, she thought, minutely twisting her head a bit to the right and immediately feeling the left ear rings pull. She snorted through distended nostrils and moved her helmeted head a bit higher to relieve the nose hooks’ tension. Her pussy began to itch, no, sort of tingle annoyingly. She wiggled her ass, clenched her inner cunt muscles and tried to get the itch to go away. It didn’t. It got worse. Dori began to understand what the drink had been for. She was slowing building a terrible urge to fuck.
As the minutes passed, her driving desire became both physical and psychological. She desperately wanted to fuck something, anything. She had to get something between her widely spread legs and up into her dripping cunt and she needed it more than anything she could ever imagine. If only the plugs had been in place, those nasty dildos that they were always sticking up inside her cunt and ass when she had no interest in them at all. Where were the vibrators and butt plugs now? God, her ass and cunt were running with juice and there was nothing she could do. She pulled at her fettered legs and tried to rub her spread thighs together. They were much too wide apart. It might have been miles for all she knew. Her cunt was dripping, spread wide-open and was nothing to fill it. Her asshole itched and twitched, demanding something to fill that void as well. Dori was now panting like a real racehorse. Her bolted tongue wiggled outside her parted lips, twitching and licking the air. She groaned. She pleaded. She drooled. Her flared and distorted nostrils dripped snot as she pulled on the terrible nose hooks and tried to free herself from the multiple bonds holding her fast in the stall.